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Nov 25, 2019

This week’s episode is Why You Don't Have What You Want, Part 2.  We wanted to look at how one might stay in the past and this will create a form of resistance. Staying in the past means that we are in attachment to things that have happened. It also may mean that we are using a past mindset, a past energy. Which can keep us from what we want.


Nick and KISMA

02:33 The Reset Button

There's a difference between truly having a retreat and having some space. When we're talking about hitting the reset button it is breaking up the energy, getting it out so that we can actually see some of the things that we've been doing. What you might be resisting in your life is super key because when you are able to get out of resistance, like so many people talk about wanting to have more ease in their life, well that is the opposite of resistance, right?

There's something that has to change in what we are doing, it's really something inside of us that needs to change.


04:22 Living in the Past

Today in this part two, we wanted to look at how one might stay in the past and this will create a form of resistance. Staying in the past means that we are in attachment to things that have happened. It also may mean that we are using a past mindset, a past energy. Definitely an old perspective to create something new. And so you can see where that's problematic. Einstein said: you can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it.  When we are stuck in the past it's like shutting the door to being able to step into this new receptive state to receive something new.


5:21 The Feedback Loop

What you're describing is a feedback loop. So how it works in a really simple way is people drag their old stories with them into the present. And the present is where you create your future. The feedback loop is taking and creating from your past and creating your future, which will ensure that you create pretty much the same thing or some kind of variation. Then it feeds back on itself again and again and again. And truthfully, this is how decades go by where people are. Like, why? I just thought I would be somewhere else. I thought I would be further along.


07:51 Shift the Mindset to the Goal

The point of going into the past is either to learn, to reflect, and to shift, or there will be those, those people in places and events that we think about with love and joy. If we're bringing in a past event, let's say you're a runner and you're on your fifth marathon and you've never finished under a certain time, and you continue to be like, ‘I've never finished in that time frame and why would I now?’

Instead of here's my new goal, I'm going to do it to the best of my ability. There's got to be a shift out of what has happened into new possibilities.

10:42 Your Past Doesn’t Define You

Now, there's something about this that I think is important to talk about, and it's a sneaky one when you talk about the past oftentimes it’s disguised as self knowledge or self-awareness. Let me give you an example. Somebody will say; ‘that's just the way I am or I have this, or I've had, experience in these traumas, and so they play that out again and again in their life.’ So they're effectively defining themselves by their past.


Stories, stories, real stories, real occurrences, not things. We want to diminish that when we tether ourselves to the past, we're tethering ourselves to the stories, the experiences of the past. 


13:27 - Futurizing Can Also Be Resistance

Speaking of the future, that's the flip side of the coin, right? So you've got the living in the past or dragging that past into your present. But then it’s going to the other side and getting in the present and futurizing and that is also a huge resistance.


13:55 Create What You Want

As Swamiji always teaches we are the architect of our future, but it's created from this moment. And so when we take past notions, beliefs, energies, thoughts, and create the future with that, it's going to have a veil or an essence of what's happened in the past. When we start from right here now and get super clear on what it is or where we're going, you know, and where we are now, the future becomes much more clear to create.


18:32 The Joy of the Process

This is not about perfection at all. It is about the joy of the process. But when you have that anchor, that really simple thing for your brain to grab onto and say, ‘wait a second’, then you can really stay in the energy of that manifestation or that goal or that ideal or whatever it is that you want.
