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Nov 19, 2017

People look at time as linear. Time is many dimensions. When we resolve something now, we actually resolve it in the past and anything that would have been in the future. To manage time and to make time one’s friend is to choose - to choose to be present to every moment, to choose every task at hand, every word, every...

Nov 12, 2017

Sheevaun Moran has helped build many multi-million dollar businesses and guided the business owners to a more complete and fulfilling life using her innate abilities to heal the whole person. Sheevaun is the creator and President of Energy Mastery™, a healing modality that deals with 5 key components of a...

Nov 5, 2017

Many people say they feel emotionally drained and perceive that it comes from someone else hurting them. It’s important to understand that human beings will disappoint you. And by disappoint, that means they will not always meet your expectations. When this happens, it can really hurt. Also, there will be times that...